An API based on Node.js without User Interface.
- MongoDb compass installed on your system with working port 27017.
- You can use Postman or Postwomen for getting result from this API.
- You need to install some modules to make it work. The modules are:
- Express
- Mongoose
- Nodemon
npm i express mongoose --save
npm i nodemon -D
This is to run server with npm run run:dev command else use node server.js for running server once only.
There are 3 routes out of which 2 are of post type rest the remaining one is of get type.
Post: /create This route will accept 2 things, name and email (email should be unique) in it's body for registering a new candidate.
Post": /test This route needs 3 things, round nunber, candidateId and marks in it's body for assigning marks to a candidate.
Note that, there are only 3 rounds (1, 2, 3) and can assign marks from 0-10 only.
- Get: /result This route takes only one thing, ie. Round nunber from it's body and provides you the average marks, highest scoring marks and the candidate's details who scored highest in the test in json form.
That's ALL