
A light weight [asynchronous / promise] based Neural Network [Artificial Intelligence]

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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Developers: Nithish Pravin Discord: Nithish#6593

Credits: Pudochu Discord: Pudochu 'D#0001 Involvement: Helped in the latest fix and suggestions about the package

Whats new in v2.0.0

  • Fixed cleverbot's new API update that lead to package not working
  • Fixed Bugs

Promise Based!

const alexa = require("alexa-bot-api");
const ai = new alexa();

ai.getReply("Hello", "spanish").then((reply) => {
  //Do your stuffs with the reply

Specific Language:

getReply(<message>, <language>)

Async / Await

const alexa = require("alexa-bot-api");
const ai = new alexa();

async function main() {
  const reply = await ai.getReply("How are you mate?", "tamil");

  //Do your stuffs with reply