Azure CLI can directly read bicep files. No need to complie to ARM templates required for Powershell modules.
To validate, use Azure's what-if sub-command to verify deployment:
az deployment sub what-if --location <location> --template-file <path-to-bicep> --parameter SSHPubKey=$PubKey
To Deploy, use the following command passing in the location
az deployment sub create --location <location> --template-file <path-to-bicep> --parameter SSHPubKey=$PubKey
Deploy Azure resources via Bicep.
- Create RG
- Deploy VM and it's dependencies
- SKU -- F2s_v2 (CPU-2/RAM-4/IOPS-3200) or F4s_v2 (4/8/6400)
- Acclerated Networking
- NSG -- Allow Port 27015 (Incoming)
- Dynamic IP and DNS
- Auto shutdown at 1AM PST
- Deploy Storage Account -- queue.
- Deploy Function App
Provision VM with cloud-init script.
- Install LinuxGSM
- Install gamedig (Requires Node.JS)
- Install CSGO Server
- Setup cron jobs for monitor and run-at-boot
- Install LinuxGSM and CSGO config files (Requires Steam Auth token probably a manual step.)