
A collection of Power BI templates for all the sample Azure DevOps OData Power BI reports provided by Microsoft for you to visualise your Azure DevOps, Azure DevOps Server and/or TFS data.

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Power BI Template Reports using OData for Azure DevOps/Azure DevOps Server/TFS

What is it?

A collection of Power BI templates for all of the sample Azure DevOps OData Power BI reports provided by Microsoft for you to visualise your Azure DevOps, Azure DevOps Server and/or TFS data. This way you can save time, download the respective template(s), enter your organization and project details then visualize your data.


Full list of report templates available

Azure Boards Azure Test Plans Azure Pipelines Azure Pipeline & Test
Open Bugs Progress Status Outcome Summary Pipeline Test Summary
Bug Trend Requirements Tracking & Traceability Outcome Summary for all Pipelines Pipeline Test Summary Trend
Rollup Test Status Report Pass Rate Trend Failed Tests
Feature Progress Test Execution Trend Stage/Task/Job Wise Failures Flaky Tests
Work Items With Direct Links Test Suites Aggregated View Pipeline Duration Test Duration
Sprint Burndown Tester by Outcome Matrix Duration Trend Test Duration Trend
Cumulative Flow Diagram (CFD) Test Configuration Outcome Matrix Task Duration Pass Rate Trend of a Test
Lead/Cycle Time Task Duration Trend


  • Open the .pbit file
  • Select http/https (only choose http if your Azure DevOps Server is HTTP)
  • Add the Analytics / Azure DevOps Server URL - for Azure DevOps services enter 'analytics.dev.azure.com' / for Azure DevOps Server enter your server details
  • Add your organization and project name

Don't confuse the team name with the project name, a common mistake. If the URL you use is "http://dev.azure.com/Microsoft-UK/AzureDevOpsTeam/Database", then Microsoft-UK is the Organization Name, AzureDevOpsTeam is the Project name, Database is the team name.

  • It should then look something like this:

Azure DevOps Services: alt text

Azure DevOps Server: alt text

Note - certain templates may ask for additional information before loading, for example: alt text

  • Hit 'Load'

  • If you are prompted for a login, you can choose:

    • 'Organizational' and enter your Organization email/password (if required) and sign in
    • 'Basic' and use a Personal Access Token (PAT) to login, entering it in the password field (user can be left as blank - make sure it has 'Read' access to Analytics)

    alt text

  • Once signed in hit 'Load' and wait for your charts to populate!


alt text

alt text

alt text

alt text

alt text

alt text


alt text



alt text
