
JerryKickStart is Ethereum based (BlockChain) Crowdfunding platform that help entrepreneur to raise funds for projects, ventures, or causes by collecting small contributions from a large number of people.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


JerryKickStart is Ethereum based (BlockChain) Crowdfunding platform that help entrepreneur to raise funds for projects, ventures, or causes by collecting small contributions from a large number of people.

Technolgoy Stack

Platform: Ethereum.

Client: Next JS.

Server: Node JS.

Database: Sepolia Ethereum BlockChain.


We will update very soon!



Run Locally

Clone the project

    git clone https://github.com/NitinVadadoriyaa/JerryKickStart

Go to the project directory

    cd KichStart

Install dependencies

    npm install

Start the server

    npm run dev

Start the client

    //open browser and type url


If you want to interact with your own smart-contract then you can follow follwing step.

  1. Modify kickstart/ethereum/contracts/Campaign.sol and test on Remix IDE.

  2. Run /kickstart/ethereum/deploy.js for deploy your smart contract on Sepolia-Ethereum-BlockChain (hear you have to give your 12 word mnemonic for unlock account and node api, where you will deploy your contract [i used infura api in this project]). Command For Run :

    node deploy.js
  1. After deploy you get smart-contract address ,that you have to replace with exiting address in /kickstart/ethereum/factory.js.


  • Home Page ScreenShot

  • Campaign Details ScreenShot

  • Create New Campaign ScreenShot

  • Campaign Requests List ScreenShot

  • Create New Request ScreenShot

  • MetaMask Request ScreenShot

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