
A coldfusion to typescript transpiler

Primary LanguageJava


A coldfusion to typescript transpiler

Right-click your project name in Eclipse and select 'run/debug' settings. Add a new config for Java Application and under the 'Arguments' tab add an action, source, and output. For example, my config looks like:

-action transpile 
     -s /Users/ianhickey/Documents/workspace/antlr/jCFTransmission/test/test.cfc 
     -o /Users/ianhickey/Documents/workspace/antlr/jCFTransmission/test/test.ts

That should allow you to transpile a cfc to a ts file.

Transpile whole directory.

To transpile an entire directory in one go, add the command line option -all to your run configuration.

Right-click your project. Select Run-As/Run Configurations and select the Arguments tab. Add the -all flag to your arguments list. When using -all to transpile a directory, the -o (output) and -s (source) become the directories to read from and write to. The ouput .ts files will overwrite any files that already exist with the same names in that output directory.

-action transpile -all
     -s /Users/ianhickey/Documents/workspace/antlr/jCFTransmission/test/ 
     -o /Users/ianhickey/Documents/workspace/antlr/jCFTransmission/testoutput/

#Turn off transpiler warnings

To turn off the default warning that appear when transpiling a file, use the -e NONE option on the command line.

-action transpile -all -s /Users/ianhickey/git/cf2ts/jCFTransmission/test -o /Users/ianhickey/git/cf2ts/jCFTransmission/test -e NONE

Additionally, an option for logging to console (default) or logging to a file was added.

-action transpile -all -s /Users/ianhickey/git/cf2ts/jCFTransmission/test -o /Users/ianhickey/git/cf2ts/jCFTransmission/test -e {NONE, TOCONSOLE, TOFILE}