Welcome to Sirius travel page layout
This project was created by nitin as a testimony of his skills. The entire project was build from scratch using ReactJS.
Live Preview
- https://travel-layout.netlify.app/
Keep Reading, you are up for a wonderful ride....
Points Of Attraction
Mobile Responsive
The entire website is mobile responsive. No additional dependency or css frameworks were used to achieve this. Good old fashioned media query and display flex did the trick!
React JS (Hooks)
Its always good to use latest and newest of the technology. Who uses class based components anyways?
This project is awesome, but is our styling also is? Yep! Syntactically awesome style sheet in the houseeee!!!
Custom Hooks
Lets remove all the redundant code! Using custom hooks i have made sure to re-utilise the same code as much as feasible. (Extra points for that?No? Fine, wait for the next step)
Live Preview
No one likes to setup an entire project on their local machine. Dont worry buddy, as a fellow engineer, i got you covered! Test the entire application here- https://travel-layout.netlify.app/ .
(You still have option to clone this repo and run it on your machine)
Modular Code
The code is made highly modular and i have made sure to follow SRP principle throughout the project. More details about this in the next heading
Design Principles
- Single Responsibilty Principle
Each component should be responsible for doing only one task. I have made sure to segregate buisness logic from Views. This helps to achieve SRP and code becomes alot more easier to debug
- Dont Repeat Your Self
I have made sure to make the code more and more reusable. Using custom hooks i have reused the data fetching code for both weather and featured components
And on that note.....+5 points to gryfinddor!! BTW, i was able to complete this enitre work in less than 24 hours...