- 1
Getting started resoruces?
#35 opened by ASoldo - 1
How to initiate it?
#34 opened by Erlend2 - 3
- 1
BoundsOctreeNode.GetColliding can be faster
#33 opened by jnsprb - 1
has a fast way to update a Object?
#32 opened by GuoLei1990 - 3
- 17
Performance Upgrades
#15 opened by txzeenath - 9
ShrinkIfPossible bug
#29 opened by davidebarbieri - 3
Shrink Problem
#8 opened by feixuwu - 2
Index Out of Range in "ShrinkIfPossible"
#22 opened by HulloImJay - 3
Null Reference Error in "ShrinkIfPossible"
#21 opened by HulloImJay - 1
Create unit tests
#25 opened by ip - 2
Point.Normalize is giving stack overflow
#20 opened by PraveenKolluri - 13
Update Position
#18 opened by michaelsakharov - 5
ShrinkIfPossible method bug
#19 opened by kayler-renslow - 1
Add example project
#4 opened by ip - 2
Does growing actually work?
#5 opened by WazWaz - 1
Main difference
#7 opened by tynic - 1
Possible bug with maxDistance
#6 opened by WazWaz