Tech Stack: Firebase, AngularJS (angular-seed)

To run: npm start

Before You Hand It In! was inspired by the years I taught essay writing as an ESL teacher. I felt that I spent far too much time checking and correcting students' grammar and less time focusing on big ideas like the students' topics, thesis statements, and the organization of their essays.

With a tool like Before You Hand It In! a student can check and track their grammar errors before they submit their essay to their instructor which will give an instructor more time to focus on big ideas to help a student improve their writing.

The Language Tool from allows a student to paste text into a the page and check their grammar. The tool will give suggestions and tell you what kind of error you have made. Unfortunately, although the tool works when it is rendered through a regular HTML document, it does not work when used with Angular.

The user flow for a student would be that they would navigate to the grammar check page and paste their essay in the box paragraph by paragraph. Once the language tool identifies an error they can track that specific error by clicking on the Log button next that particular error. They would use the language tool to correct all the paragraphs in their essay and once they hand in their essay there would be close to no errors in their essay.

If a student wanted to track the types of errors s/he makes s/he would navigate to the My Stats page to see a graphical representation of the errors. S/he can also click on the links on that page to find exercises to work on those specific types of errors.

Before You Hand It In! was built with Firbase and AngularJS using the ChartJS library.