
Github repo for HelpShift take home assignment.

Primary LanguagePython

README for helpshift take home assignment.

Problem statement :

You have to make a Contacts application which supports the following two operations:

  1. Add contact
  2. Search Contact

Assumptions :

  1. Contact list is case-sensitive i.e Alex and alex will be treated distinct.

Language and DS used :

  1. Python3.6
  2. For storing all contacts, I have used Trie data structure instead of normal Linear datastrucutre since it was mentioned in problem statement that the contact list can have many items . Time complexity for searching in case of Trie DS is O(m), where m is length of string to be searched, is very efficient as compared to any other linear DS like List of objects, etc.

How to run:

  1. go to base directory after extracting the tar file.
  2. run:
python3.6 main.py
  1. select the approp. option from CLI.
  2. output will be printed on STDOUT.

How to run unit-test cases :

  1. go to base directory after extracting the tar file.
  2. run:
python3.6 -m unittest test.py
  1. output of all test-cases will be printed on STDOUT.