

In this paper, we examine the effect of misalignment angle on cluster-based power delay profile modeling for a 60 GHz millimeter-wave (mmWave) uplink. The analysis uses real-world data, where fixed uplink scenarios are realized by placing the transmitter at ground level and the receiver at the building level. Both outdoor-to-indoor (O2I) and outdoor-to-outdoor (O2O) scenarios are studied. Using the misalignment angle and the scenario as inputs, we propose a statistical power delay profile (PDP) simulation algorithm based on the Saleh-Valenzuela (SV) model. Different goodness-of-fit metrics reveal that our proposed algorithm is robust to both O2I and O2O scenarios and can approximate the PDPs fairly well, even in case of misalignment.

Tags: 60 GHz mmWave band, misalignment angle, Saleh-Valenzuela model, power delay profile.

File descriptions:

  1. main_generator: Generate the PDPs for O2I scenario
  2. padp_plot: Generates the Angular PDPs for O2I scenario
  3. dataset3_analysis_cesa: Generates the PDPs and Angular PDPs for the O2O scenario The files above must be run first to obtain the required variables in the workspace
  4. svparams: Calculates the SV parameters for all PDPs in O2I and O2O
  5. dataset1pdpsim: Calculates the SV parameters for each misalignment range in O2I and simulates a PDP
  6. dataset3pdpsim: Calculates the SV parameters for each misalignment range in O2O and simulates a PDP