
Tomcat 8 compatible runner for exec-wars built using Tomcat 7 Maven plugin with enhanced server.xml support

Primary LanguageJava



Currently there exists no Tomcat 8 version of Tomcat Maven plugin. Exec-wars built using Tomcat 7 Maven plugin work on Tomcat 8, except if you want to use a custom server.xml.

In addition to fixing the issue with server.xml, this runner sets the exec-war parameters affecting Tomcat configuration to system properties, when a custom server.xml is detected. This enables you to refer them in the custom server.xml and smoothly switch between having and not having a custom server.xml.

The runner also adds more options to command line configuration.


The runner is published to Maven Central, so just add it as extra dependency for tomcat7-maven-plugin.

  • Configure you tomcat7-maven-plugin to use this runner in your web project pom.xml:
  • Create your custom server.xml file to your web project directory src/main/tomcatconf/server.xml. For example:
<Server port="8010" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">
  <Service name="Catalina">
    <Connector port="${httpPort}" maxThreads="${maxThreads}" protocol="HTTP/1.1"/>
    <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost">
      <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" 
             pattern="%h %l %u %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %D %b &quot;%{Referer}i&quot; &quot;%{User-Agent}i&quot;"/>
      <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteIpValve"/> 
      <Host name="localhost" appBase="webapps">
        <Context path="/app/v1" docBase="app/v1.war"/>
  • After rebuilding your web project, you can run and configure your app-webapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT-war-exec.jar by mixing default Tomcat Maven plugin parameters (httpPort) and/or system properties (maxThreads) depending on your needs. (System properties take precedence over default Tomcat Maven plugin parameters, if both are defined.)
java -DmaxThreads=300 -jar app-webapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT-war-exec.jar -httpPort 9999
  • Supported command line parameters:
usage: java -jar [path to your exec war jar]
 -accessLogDirectory <accessLogDirectory>   directory for access log files
 -ajpPort <ajpPort>                         ajp port to use
 -clientAuth                                enable client authentication
                                            for https
 -D <arg>                                   key=value
 -extractDirectory <extractDirectory>       path to extract war content,
                                            default value: .extract
 -h,--help                                  help
 -httpPort <httpPort>                       http port to use
 -httpProtocol <httpProtocol>               http protocol to use: HTTP/1.1
 -httpsPort <httpsPort>                     https port to use
 -keyAlias <keyAlias>                       alias from keystore for ssl
 -loggerName <loggerName>                   logger to use: slf4j to use
                                            slf4j bridge on top of jul
 -maxPostSize <maxPostSize>                 max post size to use
 -obfuscate <password>                      obfuscate the password and
 -proxyName <proxyName>                     pretend requests are coming to
                                            this hostname
 -proxyPort <proxyPort>                     pretend requests are coming to
                                            this port
 -resetExtract                              clean previous extract
 -s,--secure                                if requests are considered
                                            secure (should be used with
                                            scheme https)
 -scheme <scheme>                           scheme to use: http or https
 -serverXmlPath <serverXmlPath>             server.xml to use, optional
 -sessionManagerFactory <className>         classname of a factory that
                                            creates a session manager
 -uriEncoding <uriEncoding>                 connector uriEncoding default
 -X,--debug                                 debug