
A GUI tool for Windows and macOS for updating Nitrokey Storage firmware

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Nitrokey Update Tool

Nitrokey Update Tool is an application aiming to ease Nitrokey Storage firmware update process under Windows and macOS.

Installation and downloads

Ready to use packages and install instructions are available releases' page: https://github.com/Nitrokey/nitrokey-update-tool/releases/


To flash the Nitrokey Storage device please prepare:

  • a .hex file with target firmware
  • Windows or macOS PC
  • Nitrokey Storage device with enabled update mode


After running the tool please:

  1. Select the firmware file location with Select firmware file button
  2. Check whether device has been detected by observing Device in update mode connected
  3. If both conditions are fulfilled, Update firmware button should be active
  4. After pressing Update firmware the procedure would start.


Updating process should not be interrupted, otherwise the device might not work correctly or not power up at all. Please make sure your PC is connected to stable power supply.



  • libusb 1.0
  • C++11 compatible compiler
  • CMake 3 (for building underlying dfu-programmer lib)
  • Qt 5

Getting the sources

Please make sure you have downloaded the code with the submodules, eg.:

git clone https://github.com/Nitrokey/nitrokey-update-tool.git --recursive

Compiling on Ubuntu Linux 18.04

Packages list

Prerequisites for building on Ubuntu 17.10:

  • build-essential - for building applications
  • cmake - for compiling libnitrokey
  • qt5-default - QT5 library
  • libusb-1.0-0-dev - library to communicate with USB devices

dfu-programmer library compilation

Before the actual Tool building, a dfu-programmer library needs to be built. To do so, please execute (while being in the main directory):

mkdir -p 3rdparty/dfu-programmer/build
pushd 3rdparty/dfu-programmer/build
cmake ..

This should result in a static object.

Tool compilation

To compile the tool, please execute (while being in the main directory):

mkdir -p build && cd build
qmake .. && make 

Compiling on macOS 10.12

Similarly to Ubuntu instructions. libusb library could be provided with brew.sh.


Cross-compiling works similarly as with Nitrokey App (via MXE). See its README file for details.