
My dotfiles for Hyprland (Wayland)!

Primary LanguageCSS



Just my dotfiles and nothing else. I've provided some small documentation below. Contributions are welcome!


Distro: Arch Linux

Window Manager: Hyprland (Wayland)

Wallpaper: Arch Linux [3840×2160] (source)

Application Launcher: Tofi

Audio Server: PipeWire

File Manager: Thunar

Font Family: JetBrains Mono

Terminal: Alacritty

Theme: Cappuccin Frappe


Make sure to install requirements so dotfiles will work correctly. I'm using paru as AUR helper, however you can use yay.


$ paru -S git stow thunar alacritty hyprland hyprpaper hypridle hyprlock waybar dunst tofi pipewire pipewire-alsa pipewire-pulse alsa-utils gtk3 gtk4 nwg-look ttf-jetbrains-mono otf-font-awesome


Clone this repo into your home directory, then cd into it.

$ git clone https://github.com/Nitrrine/dotfiles.git
$ cd dotfiles

After this, use GNU Stow to generate symlinks.

$ stow .