
Libdmtx wrapper gem for ruby

Primary LanguageC

This is a gem enabled version with some additional features of the ruby wrapper for libdmtx that can be found at: https://github.com/dmtx/dmtx-wrappers

The original README file is renamed as libdmtx-README.


gem install Rdmtx


  • libdmtx
  • rmagick


require 'rmagick'
require 'Rdmtx'
rdmtx = Rdmtx.new
i = rdmtx.encode("Hello you !!", 5, 5)

See test.rb for a decode example.


Create new Rdmtx object



rdmtx.encode(String, MarginSize, ModuleSize, SizeRequest)

Creates and returns an rmagick image object by encoding String with (optional arguments) margin MarginSize, module ModuleSize, and request a particular size of the output SizeRequest.

  • MarginSize is the margin in number of pixels
  • ModuleSize is the size of one module in number of pixels
  • SizeRequest has to be one of pre-defined constants like: DmtxSymbolSquareAuto, DmtxSymbol10x10, etc.. See ext/rdmtx/Rdmtx.c for a full listing of the possible values.


rdmtx.decode(Image, Timeout)

Decodes the rmagick image object Image within Timeout.

Development Environment


sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:rael-gc/rvm
sudo apt update
sudo apt install rvm
sudo apt install libmagickwand-dev libdmtx-dev
rvm install 2.7

Build gem

rvm use 2.7@ruby-dmtx
gem build Rdmtx.gemspec

Install and test local gem

gem install ./Rdmtx-0.4.0.gem
./test.rb output.png

Upload to rubygems

gem push Rdmtx-0.4.0.gem