
A Donation App using Flutter and Firebase. This project will be mentored by CB(Celestial Biscuit), IGDTUW.

Primary LanguageDart


A Donation App using Flutter and Firebase. This project will be mentored by CB(Celestial Biscuit), IGDTUW.

Objectives: A donation app, where you can donate books, e-courses, food, electronics and clothes. The app will route you to the nearest location of the donation drives.

The Canva Slides for the ref MockUp is attached here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFD8JGYGRQ/mNBeiPp7yGDPegH0kI0Gig/edit?utm_content=DAFD8JGYGRQ&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton

Theme Ref: https://github.com/CRED-CLUB/neopop-web Also ref: https://pin.it/7keXb4u


Nikhila K S - CSE-2 , B.Tech

Nikita Garg

Nikita Medhi - CSE-2

Nitya Pasrija- IT, B.Tech


Shikha Singh

Shreel Trivedi

Shruti Rana

Shuchita Bhutani -ECE BTech

Simran Joon


  • Week 1 - Wireframe designing
  • Week 2 -