
AI assistant that helps groups of friends or co-workers find a restaurant to order from together, that best matches the group members' dining preferences.

Primary LanguagePython


PickUsLunch - AI smart assistant for group meal orders

We present PickUsLunch - a smart group meal order AI assistant, that takes into concideration each group member's needs and preferences, and provides you with a recommendation for a single restaurant that matches everybody's needs!

Abilities and limitations

The assistant will need 10 simple preferences from each diner in the group, and in return it will provide you with a restaurant and list on meals for it's menu that best matches everybody's needs and likes ouf of Wolt's restaurants variaty. This is a first demo version (which we plan to further extend in the future), which currently has the following limitations:

  • The assistant works only on groups of exactly 3 diners
  • The assistant will choose a restaurant that were availably via Wolt in Tel Aviv during august 2022.

For information regarding the algorithms used and their performance, see the project's review (only available in Hebrew).

How to use

To use the assistant, clone the repo and make sure you have the required packages installed on your environment. Then, create a txt file that represents the constraints and preferences of each diner (example files including instructions are found here). After creating the preferences file, you can run the PickUsLunch AI assistant using the one of the following commands:

python3 main.py <preference_file_path> <output_file_path>
python3 main.py <preference_file_path> <output_file_path> <algorithm>

with the following inputs:

  1. preference_file_path - path to the preference file you have created / one of the example prefrences files provided
  2. output_file_path - path to save results to
  3. algorithm (optional) - if not specified, the default algorithm (hill climbing algorithm) will be ran. If you want, you can choose a specific algorithm from the following list:
    • naive
    • dfs
    • ucs
    • a_star
    • hill_climbing
    • simulated_anealing
    • genetic