Primary LanguagePython

We will include here details on the NAGAD anomaly detection setting proposed in our paper "Red PANDA: Disambiguating Anomaly Detection by Removing Nuisance Factors"

NAGAD Benchmark

The datasets we used to evaluate the NAGAD anomaly detection setting can be found in the following link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13EaXyf4XQvOenHgOJL1sn9UMdWRTijZ9?usp=sharing

In each file, the key 'imgs' contain the samples; 'anom_label' describes the ground truth label (0 - a normal seen sample, 1 - an anomaly, 2 - normal "pseudo anomaly"). The other keys described the attributes directly. They are not part of the setting but are used to evaluate the used disentanglement approach.

Additional challenges:

We also supply in the script mvtec_augment_data.py which is used for the MVTec-AD based anomaly detection with nuisance factors benchmark (described in Sec.6 and App.A in the paper).