My config of neovim for windows and linux.
Windows [Scoop]
scoop bucket add versions scoop install versions/neovim-nightly
Linux: TODO
Install Node.js:
Windows Scoop:
// LTS version (Recommended): scoop bucket add main scoop install main/nodejs-lts // Up to date version: scoop bucket add main scoop install main/nodejs
Linux: TODO
Install tree-sitter-cli:
npm install tree-sitter-cli
Install clang and gcc compilers:
Windows WinLibs Scoop:
scoop install versions/mingw-winlibs-llvm-ucrt
For Windows you need to Enable Developer Mode.
Linux: TODO
Install ripgrep
Windows Scoop:
scoop install ripgrep
Linux: TODO
Install gcc: Already installed with treesitter.
Install fd
Windows Scoop:
scoop install fd
Linux: TODO
- Install ripgrep: Already installed with Telescope.
Install go and then the efm-langserver:
winget install GoLang.Go go install
Linux: TODO
Install prettierd:
npm install -g @fsouza/prettierd
Install eslint_d:
npm install -g eslint_d
Install ripgrep: Already installed with Telescope.
Install clang: Already installed with treesitter.
Install lua-language-server:
Windows Scoop:
scoop install lua-language-server
Linux: TODO
Install vscode-json-language-server:
npm i -g vscode-langservers-extracted
Install typescript and typescript-language-server:
npm install -g typescript typescript-language-server
Install astro:
npm install -g @astrojs/language-server
Install tailwind-language-server:
npm install -g @tailwindcss/language-server
Install CMake:
winget install Kitware.CMake
Linux: TODO
Install cmake-language-server:
Windows Scoop:
scoop bucket add main scoop install main/python pip install cmake-language-server
Linux: TODO