
Config files for my GitHub profile.

Primary LanguageCSS

Hi, I'm Nived

Welcome to my GitHub profile!

This is the place where I opensource stuff!!

About me

  • 🎓 I'm currently a student, eager to learn and expand my knowledge in software development.
  • 🌟 I'm 18 years old and enthusiastic about building innovative solutions.
  • 💻 I'm fluent in the following technologies and languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Firebase, Python, Node.js, and MySQL.
  • 🌐 You can visit my website.
  • I'm constantly exploring new technologies and expanding my skill set.
  • Stay tuned for updates on my latest projects and contributions.

Feel free to email me at nivedshaji2006@gmail.com. I'm always open to collaboration and learning opportunities from others in the developer community.

Thank you for visiting my GitHub profile. Happy coding!

Nived's GitHub stats