
Assignment Repository for Batch 1 students

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Welcome to the ASS-G - Assignment Repository. The assignments will be posted here implement. Successfully completing an assignment implies proper conceptual understanding.

✅ Send a pull request only after completing an assignment.

✅ Please submit PRs (Pull Requests) after completion of every assignment.

Please follow this PR Template while submitting assignments

✅ Please read through the FAQ before proceeding with the assignment.

✅ Please follow proper file structure else the PR would be rejected

✅ Keep fetching the repository from here as we instruct so that you'd receive all assignments in time

What Do I Do?

One assignment for every week. Scroll down to take a look at them. All you need to do is fork this repository, complete the given assignment, send a pull request over to us and repeat the process for every assignment. Check out our FAQ for more information.



Assignment 1 - Using Git

Assignment 2 - Python Basics and Strings

  • Problem 1 (robberThief.py)

    • Given an amount robbed by a thief ,who’s aim was to rob more than 20,000, classify the profit of the thief as following:

      • Loss if he has robbed less than 5000
      • Moderate if it is between 5000 to 19999
      • Good theft if more than 20000
    • Sample Input

    Enter the amount robbed by the thief: 9500
    • Sample Output
    Profit is Moderate
  • Problem 2 (occurances.py)

    • Print the characters in a string along with the number of occurances of those characters.

    • Sample Input

      Enter the String: aabbccddee
    • Sample Output

      a -> 2
      b -> 2
      c -> 2
      d -> 2
      e -> 2
  • Problem 3 (attendanceStudents.py)

    • The details of students and their respective attendance details are given below. Using the concepts of lists and Strings in Python. Print the names of the students who were present

    • The name and their Attendance statuses are separated by "-"

    • P stands for Present while A stands for Absent

    • Sample Input

      Enter your String:
    • Sample Output

      The present students were:
      Leena Dinesh Pragya
  • Resources


When should I submit the pull request?

Just submit it once you're done an assignment.

Fork? Pull request? What is all that? I don't know how to use GitHub!

If you are new to Git or GitHub, check out this small tutorial.

Where are the rest of the assignments?

Our code ninjas are hard at work preparing the rest of the problems. Don't worry, they'll be up soon.

How should I complete these programs?

We have a folder for each assignment. Simply create a folder with your registration_number , complete your code and move the file into that folder. Some examples: If your registration_number is 180501XXX submitting assignment Y then:

  1. Go to the folder assignment Y
  2. Create a folder 180501XXX inside assignment Y
  3. Upload your code in the path assignment Y\\180501XXX

🚫 Please do not modify any existing files in the repository.

I forked the repository but some problems were added only after that. How do I access those problems?

Not to worry! Open your nearest terminal or command prompt and navigate over to your forked repository. Enter these commands:

git remote add upstream https://github.com/ASS-G/Batch-1-Assignments.git
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master

If you're curious, the commands simply add a new remote called upstream that is linked to this repository. Then it 'fetches' or retrieves the contents of the repository and attempts to merge it with your progress. Note that if you've already added the upstream repository, you don't need to re-add it in the future while fetching the newer questions.

I received a merge error. What do I do?

This shouldn't happen unless you modify an existing file in the repository. There's a lot of potential troubleshooting that might be needed, but the simplest thing to do is to make a copy of your code outside the repository and then clone it once again. Now repeat the steps from the answer above. Merge it and then add your code. Now proceed as usual. :)

I'm facing difficulties with/need help understanding a particular question.

Contact one of the board members or open up an issue on this repository and we'll do our best to help you out.
