SwiftUI First Responder
Swift package for controlling the first responder effortlessly.
- SwiftUI style APIs for TextField and TextEditor.
- Tap outside to resign the first responder
- For iOS and macOS apps.
TextField("Name", text: $name)
.firstResponder(id: FirstResponders.name, firstResponder: $firstResponder, resignableUserOperations: .all)
TextEditor(text: $notes)
.firstResponder(id: FirstResponders.notes, firstResponder: $firstResponder, resignableUserOperations: .all)
Tap below the image to play the demo video.
While we started enhancing our QuickPlan app user interfaces using SwiftUI, we found the first responder controlling impact the user experience very much.
- Keep using SwiftUI views.
- SwiftUI style API calls to control the first responder.
- Additional controls for the events like tap outside, escape key pressed.
This package is a temporary solution for controlling the first responder before the official APIs issued by Apple. This solution depends on the run-time (UIKit and AppKit) view structure - the code analyzes the run-time views and adds additional controls to the UIKit and AppKit views. It may NOT work in the future. The method used for this solution may not be possible as the SwiftUI implementation may change.
It requires iOS 14 and macOS 11, and Xcode 12!
In Xcode go to File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency
and paste in the repo's url: https://github.com/Mobilinked/MbSwiftUIFirstResponder
Please check the demo codes for iOS and macOS in the demo folder