

Primary LanguagePython

My personal i3blocks configurations, dual-monitor setup!

Still a major work-in-progress, so expect me to add a lot of cool stuff to my configs.

Note that the update checker in .i3blocks.conf.2 currently only supports systems with pacman e.g. Arch.



i3blocks, ponymix (if you plan on using i3blocks-volume-pulse), youtubed (for the youtube downloader), sysstat, lm-sensors, i3blocks-usb

What's in the repo?

The config is my ~.i3/config. Take a look at it and modify the bar commands near the bottom to match your monitor setup. Modify the .i3blocks.conf.* files as you like, and the i3blocks-volume-pulse gives you volume access through ponymix. weather.sh is pretty self explanatory.

Thanks to everyone who made some of these fabulous scripts over at the i3blocks wiki!