Homepage: The first impression of your app. It should provide a brief overview of the services offered and navigation to other sections of the app.

User Registration/Login: Users should be able to create accounts or log in with existing ones to access the features of the app.

Parcel Sending Request Form: Users can fill out a form specifying the details of the parcel they want to send, such as size, weight, pickup location, and destination.

Parcel Service Companies Registration/Login: Companies providing parcel services can register accounts or log in to access their dashboard.

Company Dashboard: A dashboard where registered companies can manage parcel pickup requests, assign drivers, update parcel statuses, and communicate with users.

Parcel Tracking: A feature for users to track the status of their parcels in real-time, from pickup to delivery.

Payment Integration: Integration with a payment gateway to facilitate transactions for parcel sending services.

Rating and Feedback System: Allow users to rate and provide feedback on the parcel service companies they've used, helping other users make informed decisions.

Mobile App Version: Develop an Android app version of your web app for users to conveniently access parcel sending services on their smartphones.

Admin Panel: An admin panel where you can manage user accounts, company registrations, monitor activity, and address any issues that arise.

Remember to focus on user experience, security, and scalability while developing your app. Additionally, consider any legal or regulatory requirements for operating a parcel sending service in Kenya. This project will showcase your skills in web development, mobile app development, and possibly backend/database management.

To run in development you can run <<< python3 run.py >>> while on the projects root.

List of implemented skeleton features are:

List of implemented skeleton features