Community Collaboration Android Apps - Dona & Dona2

The community collaboration android app was developed on 15th March by Evans Mburu Njogu. The idea came from IBM #callforcode. When I first read the idea, I knew this could be the right Idea to provide for my community here in Kenya. The main objective is provide an easier way for the people in needy to get access to food supply or any other essential resources by using the app. The app is divided into two. Dona - which is the recipient side and Dona2 - which is the supplier-side.

I used react-native and nodejs to develop the two apps and it is currently running on android devices.

The apps are currently deployed on google play store. Here are the download links:

How the app works.

  • The recipient side - A recipient who is need of food supply or any other essential resources like masks or gloves can get into the mobile app using is android device. He/she can then find is nearest supplier who is the donar.
  • The Supplier - A supplier can either be a business owner, a charity organization or an individual who has the food supply,the essential resources etc. The supplier will get into the mobile app - Dona2 and he/she will have to register, then provides some details on what type of resource is providing and he/she will have to provide is current donation location.