
Kikoba: Bank Management System Kikoba is a robust bank management system implemented in C++. It provides users with essential functionalities to manage their accounts seamlessly. Whether you're a bank manager or a customer, Kikoba offers a user-friendly interface to perform crucial banking operations efficiently.

Primary LanguageC++

Bank Account Management System


This project is a simple bank account management system implemented in C++. It allows users to create accounts, deposit money, withdraw money, and check their account balances.


  • Account Creation: Users can create new bank accounts by providing their name, account type, and initial balance.
  • Deposit: Users can deposit money into their accounts.
  • Withdrawal: Users can withdraw money from their accounts, provided they have sufficient balance.
  • Balance Checking: Users can check their account balance at any time.
  • Menu-Driven Interface: The system provides a user-friendly menu-driven interface for easy interaction.

Getting Started


  • C++ compiler (e.g., GCC, Clang)
  • IDE for C++ development (optional)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Njoxpy/Kikoba
  2. Compile the source code using your preferred C++ compiler.

  3. Run the executable file generated after compilation.


  • Upon running the program, you will be presented with a menu with options to create accounts, deposit money, withdraw money, check balance, and exit.
  • Follow the on-screen prompts to perform desired actions.
  • Ensure to input valid data as per the prompts to avoid errors.