
MoodScribe is a user-friendly mental health journaling application designed to help individuals track their moods, reflect on their daily experiences, and gain insights into their emotional well-being.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


MoodScribe is a user-friendly mental health journaling application designed to help individuals track their moods, reflect on their daily experiences, and gain insights into their emotional well-being. By recording daily journal entries and associating them with specific moods, users can visualize their emotional patterns over time and better understand the factors influencing their mental health.with specific moods, users can visualize their emotional patterns over time and better understand the factors influencing their mental health.

Architecture Overview

Frontend: React + Vite + TS with Tailwind CSS for styling, Chart.js with react-chartjs-2 for mood visualization, React-hook-form with Yup validation, and Flowbite for components.

Backend: Node.js with Express framework for handling API requests, and Json Web Token (JWT) for authorization.

Database: MongoDB for storing user data and journal entries.

State Management: Redux toolkit for managing application state.

APIs: Integrated third-party APIs for fetching useful mental health articles.

Technology Stack

Frontend: React - Vite, Tailwind CSS, Typescript

Backend: Node.js, Express

Database: MongoDB

State Management: Redux toolkit

APIs: News API

Charts: Chart.js with react-chartjs-2


Ensure you have the following installed:

npm (Node Package Manager)

Steps for Backend

Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/bammietop03/MoodScribe.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd /backend
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Create a .env file in the root directory and add your MongoDB URL and database name:
Start the MongoDB server:
Start the application:
npm start or npm run dev

The server should be running on http://localhost:5000.

Steps for Frontend

Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/bammietop03/MoodScribe.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd /frontend/moodscribe
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Start the application:
npm run dev

API Documentation

The API is documented using Swagger. After starting the server, you can access the Swagger UI at:


Running Tests

Ensure your database is running, then run the tests using the following command:
npm test


Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request.
Fork the repository
Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/your-feature)
Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some feature')
Push to the branch (git push origin feature/your-feature)
Open a pull request


This project is licensed under the MIT License.