Homework 3

This homework will walk you through the process of creating your own Priority Queue!

Unlike past homeworks, there will be NO practice problems. The implementation itself is already quite a challenge, and you'll have plenty of opportunity to use priority queues in different applications very soon! (Project 1, graph algorithms, HeapSort...)

Make sure you create your own tests in DataStructuresTests.java! This will help you keep on track and provide a framework for debugging.

As a reminder of how to use Git for working on your code and submitting:

  1. Clone your repository to your computer using git clone https://github.com/atdp-dse/hw3-YOURUSERNAMEHERE (replace with your username).
  2. To save your work to GitHub, remember the sequence git add ., git commit -m"YOUR COMMIT MESSAGE HERE", and git push. Commit small changes often!
  3. Once you're ready to submit, go to Gradescope where there should be an option to submit with GitHub. After connecting your GitHub account, your homework repository should show up at the top. You can simply select it and Gradescope will automatically run the tests on your code.