
Yet Another Twitch Messaging Interface

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT



Yatmi (Yet Another Twitch Messaging Interface) allows you to connect to a Twitch Chat and read message or respond to messages.


I was bored and wanted a challenge.

Quick start

var client = new TwitchChatClient();

// Or if you want to be able to send chat messages
// var client = new TwitchChatClient("botName", "botOauthToken");

client.OnChatMessage += (sender, e) => 
    Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", new[]
        $"{e.Username} wrote:",

await client.ConnectAsync();

await client.JoinChannelAsync("channel_name");

// To disconnect and free up resources
// await client.DisposeAsync()


If you are using a username + oath token, you require some scopes for it to work.

Scope Description
channel:moderate Use moderator commands. Making your bot a moderator is not enough, you need both
chat:read View chat messages
chat:edit Send chat messages
whispers:read View your whisper messages
whispers:edit Send whisper messages

You can read more about the chat scopes here: https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/authentication/scopes

Regarding whispers

To send a whisper your bot needs to be a known bot by Twitch. But it can still receive a whisper as long as it has the whispers:read scope for it.

Because of that I have not been able to test and verify that sending a whisper actually works.