
ScrollRole is an app for creating fifth edition (5e) D&D characters. The goal is for users to be able to customize their own home brew rules for character-building. The 5e D&D Systems Reference Document (SRD) will serve as the default configuration.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


ScrollRole is an app for creating fifth edition (5e) D&D characters. The goal is for users to be able to customize their own home brew rules for character-building. The 5e D&D Systems Reference Document (SRD) will serve as the default configuration.

Dev Environment Setup

  • Install git (see Server Setup for commands)
  • Install nodejs & npm (see Server Setup for commands)

Build Scripts

Run these commands from the root of the project.

  • Download libraries:
    • npm install
  • Build all js/css, watch for changes, start the ExpressJS app, restart on change:
    • npm run watch
  • Build all js/css:
    • npm run build
  • Start the ExpressJS server:
    • npm run server
  • Install the config file for overriding:
    • npm run install:config
  • For other scripts, check the package.json file.

Server Setup

1. Install software and codebase

  • Install git
    # Install:
    sudo yum install -y git
    # Verify version:
    git --version
  • Install nodejs & npm
    # Add yum repository:
    curl -sL https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | sudo -E bash -
    # Install:
    sudo yum install -y nodejs
    # Verify versions:
    node -v
    npm -v
  • Install forever
    sudo npm install forever -g
  • Clone the repository (to current directory):
    • git clone https://github.com/NoBrainer/ScrollRole.git
  • Change directories:
    • cd ScrollRole
  • Install the node packages:
    • npm install -g
  • Install the config file:
    • npm run install:config
  • Edit the config.js file one directory above ScrollRole to set ports, etc.

2. Make webapp service run at start-up

The script is the file named scrollrole in the ScrollRole directory.

  • Deploy the script:
    sudo cp scrollrole /etc/rc.d/init.d
    sudo chmod 0755 /etc/rc.d/init.d/scrollrole
  • Run the service: sudo service scrollrole start
  • Set it to run at start-up: sudo /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 scrollrole on


  • Stop the scrollrole app:
    sudo service scrollrole stop
  • Update the lastUpdated in scrollRoleConfig.js
  • Use git to fetch and pull from ScrollRole directory:
    git fetch
    git pull -f
  • Run the build script:
    • npm run build
  • Start the scrollrole app:
    sudo service scrollrole start


  • 5e D&D SRD
  • font-awesome
  • game-icons.net
  • YAML