🎬 Video Player Emulator

This is a dumb player emulator that does nothing but fires events. This project requires NodeJS. The main module returns a factory method for instantiating the player. For starting events flow you need to call play method with a playlist:

const createPlayer = require('./player');

const player = createPlayer({{
  /* config */
  { id: 'nature-01-3min', duration: 10000, type: 'video' },
  { id: 'Advertisement', duration: 15000, type: 'ad' },
  { id: 'nature-01-3min', duration: 30000, type: 'video' },

The player's factory method can accept optional config object.

*These options are not relevant for the task itself and were implemented only for debugging purposes.

Option* Type Description
shouldRender boolean when true the player will render pseudo video in console
subtitlesShowingMode 'frame' or 'permanent' (default) set subtitle render mode, in 'frame' mode subtitles will be displayed after a showSubtitles call and cleared for a next frame, in 'permanent' mode the same subtitles will be rendered until they're cleared by calling showSubtitles(null) or other subtitles are provided.

Each playlist item has the following structure:

interface PlaylistItem {
  id: string /* id of the clip */;
  duration: number;
  type?: string /* type of the clip, currently this is only video or ad */;

Player API

Method Parameters Description
play(playlist) Array<PlaylistItem> (optional) start playback with provided playlist, if a playlist is omitted and the player is on pause, playback will be resumed
pause() pause playback and events flow
stop() stop playback and restore initial state
showSubtitles(subtitles) Array<string>, string show provided subtitles, if an array of strings is passed, subtitles will be rendered in multiline mode. The way of rendering can be changed with player subtitlesShowingMode option
on(event, handler) event: PlaybackEvents, handler: Function register an event handler for the given type event
once(event, handler) event: PlaybackEvents, handler: Function register an one-time event handler for the given type event

Playback Events

Event Type Description Handler
status Sent when playback changes a status (err: Error, status: string) => void;
position Sent periodically to inform a subscriber of progress playing the media. (err: Error, payload: PositionPayload) => void;
interface PositionPayload {
  /* id of the currently playing clip */
  id: PlaylistItem['id'];

  /* current time position for the clip, clips with the same id are considered as the one clip */
  position: number;