VTuber Style Logo Collection

This project is a collection of cute VTuber style logos. The credits can be founded in src/data/credits.ts. Thanks to their great works!

Currently, all logos are shown on https://vtuber-style-logos.vercel.app/.



  1. filter by alias (k8s, vscode, etc.)
  2. filter by author (/author/:author)

How to Add Logos?

Currently I create 2 scripts for generating sources from Aikoyori and Sawaratsuki. When the storage structure becoming stable, I will use GitHub Action for automation.

If there're more logos on Internet that this project haven't collected yet, you can make a pull request to add them manually.


pnpm i

First, run the development server:

pnpm dev


  • GitHub Actions for automation (currently I use pnpm generate to generate data)
  • Alias filter such as k8s -> Kubernetes
  • Author filter (can filter by prams, but not shown on UI)
  • Category filter (programming languages, tools, etc.)
  • License declaration on each logo
  • Better UI for the whole page

Any PR is welcome!