
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


myeochil-js is a versatile npm library designed to facilitate handling of holidays, dates, times and schedules.

There are date and time-related functions such as national holiday information, date/time conversion and calculation, positive/sound conversion, leap year confirmation, and schedule management

Whether you're developing a web application that requires accurate public holiday data, or a project management tool that needs comprehensive date handling capabilities, myeochil-js has you covered.


myeochil-js offers a wide range of functionalities including:

Country-specific public holiday information: Provide fixed public holiday information for various countries.

Solar - lunar calendar conversion: Easily convert dates between solar and lunar calendars.

Time zone conversion and calculation: Convert and calculates time differences between time zones.

Date format conversion: Convert dates between different formats.

Leap year verification: Check whether a given year is a leap year.

Date calculation: Calculate the number of days between dates or arranges dates.

Age calculation: Determine a person's age based on their date of birth.

Date validity verification: Check that a given date is valid.

Future date calculation: Calculate the day of the week for future dates or the date for future days of the week.

Project schedule management: Manage the schedules of project.


Install myeochil-js using npm:

npm install myeochil-js


It supports both CommonJS and ES Modules, making it easily integrateable into a wide range of JavaScript projects.

const { name } = require("myeochil-js");

//ES Module
import { name } from "myeochil-js";


Country-specific public holiday information

supported country code

Countries: 4
├── korea
├── china
├── us
│   ├── us-califonia
│   ├── us-massachusetts
│   ├── us-kansas
│   └── us-newyork
└── japan


Returns public holiday information by country. If only the country is entered, a list of public holidays for that country is returned. If country,year is provided, the dates and names of public holidays for that specific year are returned. Furthermore, if both country,year and month are inserted, public holiday information for that particular year and month is returned.


function getHolidays(
    country: string,
    year?: number,
    month?: number
): HolidayInfo[] | string[]


Name Type Description
date string The holiday date
weekday string The day of the week as a string
name string The name of the holiday


Name Type Description
country string Country code to search
year? number Year to search
month? number Month to search


Type Description
Array<HolidayInfo> An array containing all the public holidays' info.


console.log(getHolidays('korea', 2024));
// =>
  { date: '2024-01-01', weekday: 'Monday', name: '신정' },
  { date: '2024-03-01', weekday: 'Friday', name: '삼일절' },
  { date: '2024-05-05', weekday: 'Sunday', name: '어린이날' },
  { date: '2024-06-06', weekday: 'Thursday', name: '현충일' },
  { date: '2024-08-15', weekday: 'Thursday', name: '광복절' },


Determines if a specific date is a public holiday. It takes the country (or state), date, and an optional description parameter that specifies whether to include information about the holiday. If the description option is set to true, it returns the name of the holiday as a string.


function isHoliday(
    country: string,
    date: TargetDate | string,
    description?: boolean
): boolean | string


Name Type Description
year number Year like YYYY
month number Month like MM
day number Day like DD


Name Type Description
country string Country code to search
date TargetDate | string Holiday's date
description? boolean Description inclusion


Type Description
boolean The date is holiday
string Description of the holiday


console.log(isHoliday('korea', '2024-08-15', true));
// => 광복절

console.log(isHoliday('korea', '2024-08-15'));
// => true

console.log(isHoliday('korea', '2024-07-16'));
// => false

Solar - lunar calendar conversion


converts a solar date to a lunar date.


function toLunar(
    date: TargetDate | string
): TargetDate | undefined


Name Type Description
year number Year like YYYY
month number Month like MM
day number Day like DD


Name Type Description
date TargetDate | string Date to convert into lunar date


Type Description
TargetDate | string Lunar Date


// => { year: 2024, month: 4, day: 25 }


converts a lunar date to a solar date.


function toSolar(
    date: TargetDate | string
): TargetDate | undefined


Name Type Description
year number Year like YYYY
month number Month like MM
day number Day like DD


Name Type Description
date TargetDate | string Date to convert into solar date


Type Description
TargetDate | string Solar Date


// => { year: 2024, month: 6, day: 1 }

Time zone conversion and calculation

supported country code

├── Coordinated Universal Time
├── Korea
├── Argentina
|   └── Buenos Aires
├── Australia
|   ├── Australia(East)
|   └── Midway Island
├── American Samoa
├── Austria
├── Bangladesh
├── Bahrain
├── Belgium
├── Bhutan
├── Brazil
|   ├── Fernando de Noronha
|   └── São Paulo
├── Bulgaria
├── Canada
|   ├── Alberta
|   ├── Canada Atlantic
|   ├── Manitoba
|   ├── Montreal
|   ├── Quebec
|   └── Vancouver
├── Cambodia
├── Cape Verde
├── Chile
├── China
├── Hong Kong
├── Colombia
├── Cuba
├── Czech Republic
├── Denmark
|   ├── Denmark
|   └── Greenland
├── East Timor
├── Ecuador
├── Egypt
├── Fiji
├── Finland
├── France
├── Tahiti
├── Germany
├── Georgia
├── Greece
├── Guam
├── Iceland
├── Indonesia
|   ├── Indonesia(Central)
|   └── Indonesia(West)
├── Iraq
├── Italy
├── Japan
├── Kazakhstan
├── Kiribati
├── Kuwait
├── Kyrgyzstan
├── Laos
├── Libya
├── Malaysia
├── Maldives
├── Marshall Islands
├── Mexico
|   └── Mexico City
├── Micronesia
├── Mongolia
├── Nauru
├── New Caledonia
├── New Zealand
├── Oman
├── Palau
├── Papua New Guinea
├── Paraguay
├── Peru
├── Philippines
├── Poland
├── Portugal
|   ├── Azores
|   └── Lisbon
├── Puerto Rico
├── Qatar
├── Russia
├── Saipan
├── Saudi Arabia
├── Singapore
├── Solomon Island
├── South Georgia Island
├── Thailand
├── Turkey
├── UAE
├── United Kingdom
|   └── London
├── United States
|   ├── Arizona
|   ├── California
|   ├── Honolulu
|   ├── Illinois
|   ├── New York
|   ├── Utah
|   ├── USA Alaska
|   ├── USA Central
|   ├── USA Eastern
|   ├── USA Mountain
|   ├── USA Pacific
|   ├── Washington
|   └── Wisconsin
├── Uruguay
├── Uzbekistan
├── Vietnam
├── West African
└── Yemen


Converts the time from the fromTimezone to the time of the toTimezone country. It takes a datetime in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD' as an argument and returns the converted time by applying the UTC offset difference between the two countries.


function convertTimezone(
    datetime: string,
    fromTimezone: string,
    toTimezone: string
): string


Name Type Description
datetime string Date to convert like 'YYYY-MM-DD'
fromTimezone string Reference country
toTimezone string Target country


Type Description
string Converted Datetime


console.log(convertTimezone('2024-06-01 00:00:00', 'Korea', 'California'));
// => 2024-06-30 07:00:00


Returns the time difference between two countries. It takes the names of the specified countries as arguments and provides the time difference by subtracting the UTC offsets of the given countries.


function calTimezone(
    fromCity: string,
    toCity: string
): number


Name Type Description
fromCity string Reference city
toCity string Target City


Type Description
number Time difference between fromCity and toCity


console.log(calTimezone('Korea', 'California'));
// => 17

Date format conversion


Converts the format of a given date string. It splits the date argument based on the '-' delimiter. If the user specifies a desired output format, it returns the date in that format (MM-DD-YYYY, DD-MM-YYYY). If no format is specified, it returns an object literal containing all three formats.


function formatDate(
    date: string,
    format?: string
): string | { [key: string]: string }


Name Type Description
date string Date to convert like 'YYYY-MM-DD'
format? string Target Format 'MM-DD-YYYY' | 'DD-MM-YYYY'


Type Description
string Converted Datetime
Array<object> An array containing Converted Datetime string.


console.log(formatDate(date1, 'MM-DD-YYYY'));
// => 06-01-2024

console.log(formatDate(date1, 'DD-MM-YYYY'));
// => 01-06-2024

// =>
  'YYYY-MM-DD': '2024-06-01',
  'MM-DD-YYYY': '06-01-2024',
  'DD-MM-YYYY': '01-06-2024'

Leap year verification


Check whether a given year is a leap year. If year is a leap yaer, then true will be returend.


function isLeapYear(
    year: number
): string | Boolean


Name Type Description
year number Year to check for a leap year


Type Description
boolean The yaer is a leap year


// => true

// => false

Date calculation


Calculates the number of days between two input dates. dateStr1 and dateStr2 should be strings in the 'YYYY-MM-DD' format, and it returns the number of days between the two dates as a positive integer. Regardless of the order of dateStr1 and dateStr2, it calculates and returns the absolute difference in days between the two dates. Only two arguments can be entered. If more than two are entered, it calculates the difference in days using only the first two dates.


function calDaysBetween(
    dateStr1: string,
    dateStr2: string
): number


Name Type Description
dateStr1 string Date string like 'YYYY-MM-DD'
dateStr2 string Date string like 'YYYY-MM-DD'


Type Description
number the number of days between the two dates


console.log(calDaysBetween('2024-05-07', '2024-05-20'));
// => 13


Sorts a list of dates, which are strings in the 'YYYY-MM-DD' format, according to the specified option and returns the sorted list. If dates is empty, it returns an empty list. The default value for option is 'asce'. When option is 'asce', the dates are sorted in ascending (earliest to latest) order. When option is 'desc', the dates are sorted in descending (latest to earliest) order. If option contains any value other than these two, it defaults to 'asce' and returns the list sorted in ascending order.


function sortDates(
    dates: string[],
    option?: string
): string[]


Name Type Description
dates Arrary<string< An array containing dates to sort
option? string sort criterion


Type Description
Arrary<string< A sorted array containing dates


const date1 = '2024-05-07'
const date2 = '2024-05-20'
const date3 = '2023-06-01'

console.log(sortDates([date1, date2, date3]));
// => [ '2023-06-01', '2024-05-07', '2024-05-20' ]

console.log(sortDates([date1, date2, date3], 'asce'));
// => [ '2024-05-07', '2024-05-20', '2023-06-01' ]

console.log(sortDates([date1, date2, date3], 'desc'));
// => [ '2024-05-20', '2024-05-07', '2023-06-01' ]

Age calculation


Calculates the age as a positive integer based on the difference from a referenceDate, using the birthDate. Both dates are in the 'YYYY-MM-DD' format. Age is calculated by considering the time of birth as 0 years old and increasing by 1 year with each birthday, so the age returned can vary depending on the birthday. If the referenceDate is earlier than the birthDate, it's not possible to calculate the age, and an error message is returned.


function calAge(
    birthDate: string,
    referenceDate: string
): number | string


Name Type Description
birthDate string Date string like 'YYYY-MM-DD'
referenceDate string Date string like 'YYYY-MM-DD'


Type Description
number the age from birth date to reference date


console.log(calAge('2000-04-11', '2024-04-13'));
//=> 24

console.log(calAge('2000-04-11', '2024-04-11'));
// => 24

console.log(calAge('2000-04-11', '2024-04-12'));
// => 23

console.log(calAge('2024-04-30', '2000-04-11'));
// => Error: ReferenceDate is earlier than birthDate.

Date validity verification


Determines whether the given date sDate is a valid calendar date and returns a Boolean value. The parameter sDate is a string in the 'YYYY-MM-DD' format for which the validity needs to be checked. If sDate is a valid calendar date, it returns true, otherwise, it returns false.


function isValidDate(
    sDate: string
): string | Boolean


Name Type Description
sDate string Date to check if it's valid


Type Description
boolean The date is valid


// => true

// => false

// => Error: Invalid Date Argument. please input correct date. ex) YYYY-MM-DD

Future date calculation


Finds the date corresponding to the given parameters and returns it in the 'YYYY-MM-DD' format. The parameters are: year, month, week and weekday. If weekday is not one of 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', or 'Saturday', it returns an error message 'Invalid weekday'. If all parameters are input correctly, it calculates and returns the corresponding date as a string in the 'YYYY-MM-DD' format.


function getFutureDate(
    year: number,
    month: number,
    week: number,
    weekday: string
): string


Name Type Description
year number Year of Date
month number Month of Date
week number Week of Date
weekday string Weekday of Date : Sunday to Saturday


Type Description
string Date like 'YYYY-MM-DD'


console.log(getFutureDate(2024, 6, 1, "Wednesday"));
// => 2024-06-05

console.log(getFutureDate(2024, 6, 1, "Wen"));
// => Error: Invalid weekday


Determines the day of the week for a given date and returns the day as a string. The parameter date is a string in the 'YYYY-MM-DD' format, and description is a boolean indicating whether to include additional information about the date. If date is a valid calendar date and description is true, it returns the day of the week in the format '{year} year {month} month {n}th week's {weekday}'. Additionally, if date is a valid calendar date and description is false, it returns the day of the week as 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', or 'Saturday', corresponding to the given date.


function getFutureWeekday(
    date: string,
    description?: string
): boolean


Name Type Description
date string Date for getting weekday
description? boolean Detail inclusion


Type Description
string The weekday of date


console.log(getFutureWeekday("2024-06-01", true));
// => 2024 year 6 month 1th week's Saturday

console.log(getFutureWeekday("2024-06-01", false));
// => Saturday

// => Saturday

Project schedule management


Provides a functionality to query the schedules registered in the project. date is a string in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format. If the date is not provided, it returns all the schedules registered in the project. If the date is provided, it returns the schedules registered for that specific date. It returns a list of objects containing the name (name) and the next invocation date (nextInvocation) of each registered schedule. The next invocation date information includes time, zone, and locale. If there are no schedules registered, an empty list is returned.


function getSchedules(
): NamedJob[]

NamedJob NamedJob extends Job from node-schedule.

Name Type Description
name string Name of a Job


Name Type Description
date? string Date to search shedules


Type Description
Array<NamedJob> An array containing jobs of project


// => 
    name: 'test1',
    nextInvocation: CronDate {
      _date: DateTime { ts: 2024-05-29T16:47:00.000+09:00, zone: Asia/Seoul, locale: ko-KR }
    name: 'test2',
    nextInvocation: CronDate {
      _date: DateTime { ts: 2024-06-24T17:47:10.000+09:00, zone: Asia/Seoul, locale: ko-KR }

// => 
    name: 'test1',
    nextInvocation: CronDate {
      _date: DateTime { ts: 2024-05-29T16:47:00.000+09:00, zone: Asia/Seoul, locale: ko-KR }


Prints all schedules registered in the project. Unlike getSchedules(), it only retrieves the entire list of schedules and outputs a list containing only the names of each schedule. If there are no registered schedules, an empty list is output.


function printSchedules()


// => [test1, test2, test3, test4]


Add annual or monthly schedules to the project. date parameter is a string in the format 'MM-DD HH:mm:ss' or 'DD HH:mm:ss', and name parameter is the name of the schedule to be registered. isRepeated parameter is a boolean that indicates whether the schedule is recurring, with a default value set to true. If the date is in the 'MM-DD HH:mm:ss' format, an annual schedule is registered for the specified date and time. If the date is in the 'DD HH:mm:ss' format, a monthly schedule is registered for the specified date and time. When the schedule is triggered, it outputs the schedule name and execution time to the console as an alert. If the alarm is successfully registered, the string 'add Schedule' is returned. If a schedule with the same name already exists in the project, a warning message indicating that the schedule already exists is returned.

An example where the name of the schedule is 'test1' and it is called.

test1 is called: Sat Jun 01 2024 00:30:00 GMT+0900 (대한민국 표준시)


function addSchedule (
    date: string,
    name: string,
    isRepeated?: boolean = true
): string


Name Type Description
date string Date of schedule like 'MM-DD HH:mm:ss' or 'DD HH:mm:ss'
name string Name of schedule
isRepeated? boolean Repeating


Type Description
string add Schedule: A new schedule is registered successfully


console.log(addSchedule('05-29 16:47:00', 'test1', false));
// => add Schedule

addSchedule('24 17:00:10', 'test2', true);
addSchedule('24 20:00:10', 'test2', true);
//=> Error: Job test1 already exists.


Add a weekly schedule to the project, differing from addSchedule() by accepting a day of the week. dayOfWeek parameter specifies the day of the week on which the schedule will be executed each week and is input as a string. time parameter specifies the time at which the schedule will be triggered on the given day, formatted as 'HH:mm:ss'. name parameter is the name of the schedule to be registered and must not duplicate any existing schedule names. isRepeated parameter is a boolean indicating whether the schedule is recurring, with a default value set to true. If the schedule is successfully registered, the string 'add Weekly Schedule' is returned. The schedule will be logged with its name and execution time at the specified time on the specified day of the week.

An example where the name of the schedule is 'test1' and it is called.

test1 is called: Sat Jun 01 2024 00:30:00 GMT+0900 (대한민국 표준시)


function addWeekSchedule(
    dayOfWeek: string,
    time: string,
    name: string,
    isRepeated?: boolean = true
): string


Name Type Description
dayOfWeek string dayOfWeek of schedule : Sunday to Saturday
time string Time of schedule like 'HH:mm:ss'
name string Name of schedule
isRepeated? boolean Repeating


Type Description
string add Weekly Schedule: A new schedule is registered successfully


console.log(addWeekSchedule('Saturday', '17:00:00', 'test1'));
// => add Weekly Schedule

addSchedule('24 17:00:10', 'test2', true);
addWeeklySchedule('24 20:00:10', 'test2', true);
//=> Error: Job test1 already exists.


Add a schedule to be called at specified intervals of weeks. Unlike addWeekSchedule(), which calls a schedule every week, addIntervalSchedule() allows setting the interval of weeks for the recurring schedule. The parameters dayOfWeek, time, name, and isRepeated are the same as those for addWeekSchedule(). The weekInterval parameter is a positive integer that represents the interval of weeks for the schedule to repeat. For example, if the weekInterval is 2, the schedule will be called every 2 weeks. Like addWeekSchedule(), if the schedule is successfully registered, the string 'add Weekly Schedule' is returned. The schedule will be logged with its name and execution time at the specified time on the specified day of the week

An example where the name of the schedule is 'test1' and it is called.

test1 is called: Sat Jun 01 2024 00:30:00 GMT+0900 (대한민국 표준시)


function addIntervalSchedule(
    dayOfWeek: string,
    time: string,
    name: string, 
    weekInterval: number,
    isRepeated?: boolean = true
): string


Name Type Description
dayOfWeek string dayOfWeek of schedule : Sunday to Saturday
time string Time of schedule like 'HH:mm:ss'
name string Name of schedule
weekInterval number Week Interval number
isRepeated? boolean Repeating


Type Description
string add Weekly Schedule: A new schedule is registered successfully


console.log(addIntervalSchedule('Saturday', '17:00:30', 'test4', 5));
// => add Weekly Schedule


Deletes a schedule from the project by its registered name. If the name of an unregistered schedule is provided, an error message is returned. If the schedule is successfully deleted, nothing is returned.


function deleteSchedule(
    name: string
): None | string


Name Type Description
name string Name of schedule to delete



// => Schedule test3 is not found.


date-fns node-shcedule @types/node-schedule


MIT © NoEnemyTeam