Feature description

Scenario: invoice calculator. A store carries a variety of different products. The sales tax for these products is different by product category. For example cigarettes and alcohol might have a higher tax rate than medicine.

Goals: Given a list of products the shopping cart needs to calculate:

  • the total price before tax
  • the total after tax and the total amount of taxes (split by category).

Example input:

product id   quantity
apple               5
orange              4
milk                2
red wine            3
stamps              4

Desired output:

product id   quantity   price (each)  price (total)   tax rate  tax amount
apple               5         0.80 €         4.00 €         7%      0.26 €
orange              4         0.90 €         3.60 €         7%      0.24 €
milk                2         1.19 €         2.38 €         7%      0.16 €
red wine            3         6.99 €        20.97 €        19%      3.35 €
stamps              4         0.65 €         2.60 €         0%      0.00 €
grand total        18                       33.55 €                 4.00 €
subtotal  0% tax    4                        2.60 €                 0.00 €
subtotal  7% tax   11                        9.98 €                 0.65 €
subtotal 19% tax    3                       20.97 €                 3.35 €

Base: Each supported programming language includes a simple product database implementation with mock data. Prices in the database include tax. A basic skeleton for your result is provided but it's not complete.