
A List of must watch recordings of past Go talks

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A List of must watch recordings of past Go talks

Learning just the syntax and language constructs of a given programming language will not help you much to write code in that language. You need to understand the great ideas behind certain design decisions!

MUST watch talks by Rob Pike

  1. The Go Programming Language, October 30 2009, Google TechTalks; NOTE: A talk just before Go went Open Source :)
  2. Another Go at Language Design, April 28 2010, Stanford; NOTE: lower the volume before playing ;)
  3. public static void, July 2010, OSCON 2010
  4. Go Programming, May 20 2010, Google I/O 2010
  5. Lexical Scanning in Go, August 30, 2011, Google FOSS Sydney
  6. Concurrency is not Parallelism, January 11 2012, Heroku Waza 2012
  7. Origins of Go Concurrency, July 2010, Emerging Languages Camp 2010
  8. Go Concurrency Patterns, Google I/O 2012
  9. Opening Day Keynote, April 24 2014, GopherCon 2014; NOTE: just re-watch!
  10. From Parallel to Concurrent, May 19 2014, Lang.Next2014
  11. Panel: Systems Programming in 2014 and Beyond, May 19 2014, Lang.Next2014; NOTE: MUST watch ;)
  12. Go Proverbs, Goptherfest 2015; NOTE: do not skip this!
  13. Simplicity is Complicated, November 9, 2015, dotGO 2015; NOTE: also do not skip!
  14. Why Go is successful?, a talk from dotGo
  15. The Go Programming Language and Environment, May 27 2021, UNSW Computing