JaSoN (Java Pathfinder for Symbolic Execution of NoSQL Database Applications), a symbolic mock for NoSQL databases using Symbolic Pathfinder for SAC2021
JaSoN is a project striving to enable the creation of symbolic NoSQL database mocks. This prototype comprises a symbolic mock for MongoDB. JaSoN requires the use of Java 8. This project contains versions of Java PathFinder (jpf-core) and Symbolic PathFinder (jpf-symbc) adjusted for mocking MongoDB. For simplicity of configuration, the needed mongodb-related JARs (bson-3.12.4.jar, mongodb-driver-3.12.4.jar, and mongodb-driver-core-3.12.4.jar) as well as a JSON-library, all of which are available under Apache 2.0, are also already included in the jpf-symbc-mdb-lib-folder.
It is tested with the Eclipse Java IDE which also is the suggested IDE to use. For example run-configurations (see below) only are written for Eclipse.
To setup Java PathFinder and its extensions you should create a ~/.jpf
folder and store a site.properties
with the following content in it:
jpf-core = <PATH to superproject>/jpf-core
jpf-symbc = <PATH to superproject>/jpf-symbc
jpf-symbc-mdb = <PATH to superproject>/jpf-symbc-mdb
To setup Symbolic PathFinder with Z3 the "native library location" of com.microsoft.z3.jar within the jpf-symbc project must be set to the location containing the Z3-binary. For example, set it to /usr/lib/z3-4.8.8-x64-ubuntu-16.04/bin
. Pre-built Z3-binaries can be retrieved here.
To generate tests using jpf-symbc-mdb, we use an Eclipse run-configuration executing JPF-files.
Exemplary JPF-files are located in the jpf-symbc-mdb subproject under src/examples/scenarios_crud
To execute a .jpf file, open the corresponding .jpf file in Eclipse and choose run-JPF-symbc-mdb
from the selection of run-methods (the scaled bit in the upper left corner of the picture). It is important that you opened/clicked into the .jpf file's content just before executing this run-configuration as elsewise Eclipse might not find the .jpf file. If the run configuration is not yet displayed there, right-click into the .jpf file, Run as > Java Application > run-JPF-symbc-mdb
comprises the code for mocking as well as the adjusted bytecode. Examples (the methods, test drivers, and .jpf files) are located under jpf-symbc-mdb/src/examples/scenarios_crud
. The generated integration tests in jpf-symbc-mdb/src/test/java/generated_integration_tests
still utilize the mock database. For convenience the integration tests which are executed on a real MongoDB instance are located within the mongo_project
subproject. The content of mongo_project/src/main/java/scenarios_crud
mirrors the scenarios within jpf-symbc-mdb
. There are, however, no test drivers and JPF-files, since these are only needed for test case generation. The jpf-symbc-mdb/src/examples/social_media_app/service
folder comprises the service classes mentioned in the paper. This project again is mirrored by the mongo_project