Restaurants and Menus

The first step is to setup the .env file to hold all of the environment variables that are needed to connect to the APIs. To do so, run cp .env.example .env, which will copy the example file to the .env file. This file is not committed to the Git repo.

The version of Python is 3.6.1, which is shown in the .python-version file.

After signing up for an app on facebook and google, fill in the values in their appropriate places in the .env file. These will automatically cascade to the rest of the app.

The database used by default is restaurantmenuwithusers.db. To change to another database engine, look in the file and change the engine to whatever is appropriate for your use case.

To start using the program, run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

This will install all of the dependencies.

To re-run the base seeds, run python

To start up the app, run either:

flask run



All dependencies are kept in the .env file. To create the .env file, run

cp .env.example .env

Then fill in the environment values with their required settings.