
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Source Separation Homework

This is a repository with the SS homework of the HSE DLA Course. It includes the implementation of SpEx+ model architecture and all training utilities. The training was performed on the LibriSpeech train-clean-100 dataset, by artificially mixing pairs of audios.

Installation guide

Clone the repository:

%cd local/cloned/project/path
git clone https://github.com/NoMoreActimel/dla2023-ss.git

Install and create pyenv:

pyenv install 3.9.7
cd path/to/local/cloned/project
~/.pyenv/versions/3.9.7/bin/python -m venv asr_venv

Install required packages:

pip install -r ./requirements.txt

You may now launch training / testing of the model, specifying the config file. The default model config is given as default_test_config.json. However, you may check for other examples in hw_asr/configs directory.

There is no good-enough pretrained model, as I was mainly debugging model architecture on the short-term launches. It appeared to be, that basically to achieve comparable perfomance you need to train 10's or 100's of times more, so I didn't made it till the deadline. After examining first stages of training and comparing them with other students, I assume that the architecture is clean of bugs. Probably I will add the pretrained model afterwards, if I won't reach computational limits.

Overall, to launch pretrained model you need to download the model-checkpoint and launch the test.py:

pip install gdown
gdown --folder [to-be-done]
unzip checkpoint-best/checkpoint-best.zip checkpoint.pth
mv checkpoint.pth default_test_model/checkpoint.pth
mv checkpoint-best/config.json default_test_model/config.json
python test.py \
   -c default_test_config.json \
   -r default_test_model/checkpoint.pth \
   -t test_data \
   -o test_result.json


All written code is located in the hw_asr (heh) repository. Scripts launching training and testing are given as train.py and test.py in the root project directory. First one will call the trainer instance, which is the class used for training the model. Further on, trainer and base_trainer iterate over given datasets and log all provided metrics - main ones are SiSDR and PESQ from torchmetrics.audio. SiSDR has been also implemented manually and incorporated into the overall loss of the model. For the convenience everything is getting logged using the wandb logger, you may also look audios and many interesting model-weights graphs out there.


To train the model you need to specify the config path:

python3 train.py -c hw_asr/configs/config_name.json

If you want to proceed training process from the saved checkpoint, then:

python3 train.py -c hw_asr/configs/config_name.json -r saved/checkpoint/path.pth


Some basic tests are located in hw_asr/tests directory. Script to run them:

python3 -m unittest discover hw_asr/tests