Contact me here:

  • Twitch: nonamepro0
  • ;suggest <message> in a channel where nobot is joined

If you want to join NoBot0 your channel, type ;join in #nobot0


Mod commands

Modding tools are comming soon. Clueless

Utility commands

Command Arguments Description
;spam <amount> <message> spams a message
;echo <message> repeats a message
;tts <message> writes a audio url with your message spoken
;translate <target-lang> <message> translates you message to another language
;image <link> gets the text content of a image (maintenance)
;stalk <username> repeats the latest message of a user (could take long or be dead)
;penis can say you how long your dick is without measuring
;whispers gives you a link with your whispers
;google <search message> gives you a link with google Okayeg
;hot hottest nobot users
;cool coolest nobot users
;w [<nickname>] shows your (or nickname's) weather
;weather <city> shows city's weather

If you're a nobot user and don't appear in ;hot and ;cool, you can write a ;suggest.

Channel commands

NoBot is able to do simple channel commands that responds with a predefined message.

Command Arguments Description
;addcmd <command> <message> adds a new command
;editcmd <command> <message> edits a command's message
;delcmd <command> removes a command
;cmds lists all channel commands

INFO: !geburtstage is a special command. You can add birthdays with !addgeburtstag <Name> <01.01>

Okayeg bank commands

Command Arguments Description
=sendeg nobot0 pushs egs to your bank account
;pull <amount> pulls egs from your bank account
;egs says your amount of egs
;pay <username> <amount> pays egs to somebody else

Bot info

Command Arguments Description
;ping answers pong
;suggest <suggestion> suggests a new feature
;bot bot information
;help goes here
;join joins your channel