
Source code of https://csauto.vercel.app

Primary LanguageHTML


Source code of CSAuto website. ( CSAuto repo )


Deserves mention


Software recommendations

Setting up environment


Firstly, you need to install dependencies (ofc, after cloning and going to dir) and activate shell

poetry install --with dev --no-root
poetry shell

Environment variables

    • Used by loguru. For more loguru envvars see this
    • Default: DEBUG
    • Value: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO
    • Needed for canonical urls, Open Graph and etc.
    • Default: https://csauto.vercel.app/
    • Value: https url to website. If web does not have simple domain (example.github.io/cs-auto), you must put trailing slash to the end of it (like https://example.github.io/cs-auto/)
    • Used by GH reference parser
    • Default: MurkyYT/CSAuto
    • Used for accessing files on main repo like FullChangelog.MD or README.md
    • Default: master

Variables below are used for debugging purpose

    • Disables all meta tags to escape any misunderstandings with search indexers
    • Default: False
    • Value: Boolean (True/False or 1/0)
    • README.md and FullChangelog.md provider. If you decide to switch this to local, you must specify where they are through CSAUTO_CHANGELOG, CSAUTO_README_EN and CSAUTO_README_RU
    • Default: github
    • Value: github or local
    • Toggles GitHub data cache saving into gh_cache.json
    • Default: False
    • Value: Boolean (True/False or 1/0)


Translate CSAuto first

  • Language codes with territories are undesirable

    • ru_MD ➡ ru
    • en_CA ➡ en
  • Use <br> to go to new line

  • If you see closing tag in original, you must write same closing tag in translation

  • Extract strings

    • pybabel -v extract -F .\babel.cfg -o ".\languages\messages.pot" --project "csauto-web" --sort-by-file .
  • Init new language

    • pybabel init -d .\languages\ -i .\languages\messages.pot -l {LOCALE}
  • How to update

    • pybabel update -d .\languages\ -i .\languages\messages.pot -l {LOCALE}
  • Compile .po to .mo

    • pybabel compile -d .\languages\

Steps to manually add new language:

  • Extract strings
  • Init new language
  • Edit lines in shared.py


  • Add support for translations
    • Add WebLate support