
A clean and simple 3D2D UI library for Garry's Mod. Built to be easy to use and optimised.

Primary LanguageLua


A simple and optimised library for drawing 3D2D UIs in Garry's Mod. Supports both immediate mode drawing and VGUI (found in the extras file).

Example Usage

Adding UI to an entity:


local pos = Vector(0, 0, 0)
local angles = Angle(0, 0, 0)

local color_red = Color(255, 0, 0)

function ENT:DrawTranslucent()
    if not ui3d2d.startDraw(self:WorldToLocal(pos), self:WorldToLocalAngles(angles), .1, self) then return end --Skip drawing if the player can't see the UI

    --Draw your UI here
    local w, h = surface.GetTextSize("Hover me!")

    draw.RoundedBox(0, 0, 0, w, h, color_white)

    if ui3d2d.isPressed() then --Flash red if input was pressed this frame
        draw.RoundedBox(0, 0, 0, w, h, color_red)

    if ui3d2d.isHovering(0, 0, w, h) then --Check if the box is being hovered
        if ui3d2d.isPressing() then --Check if input is being held
            draw.SimpleText("Wow!", nil, 0, 0, color_black)
            draw.SimpleText("Click me!", nil, 0, 0, color_black)
        draw.SimpleText("Hover me!", nil, 0, 0, color_black)

    ui3d2d.endDraw() --Finish the UI render

Adding UI to the world:

local pos = Vector(0, 0, 0)
local angles = Angle(0, 0, 0)

hook.Add("PostDrawTranslucentRenderables", "DrawMyUI", function(_, depthDrawing)
    if depthDrawing then return end

    if ui3d2d.startDraw(pos, angles, .1) then
        --Draw your UI here

Global Functions


ui3d2d.startDraw(pos :: Vector, angles :: Angle, scale :: number, ignoredEntity :: Entity) :: boolean

This starts a UI3D2D rendering context in immediate mode, calling this will calculate your mouse position and input status for the same frame.

  • The ignoredEntity paramater is optional, this is used for disabling eyetrace collisions with the entity you're attaching your UI to.



This ends a UI3D2D rendering context, only call this if you have called startDraw already and it has returned true.


ui3d2d.isPressing() :: boolean

This returns true if the user is holding down the UI input key.


ui3d2d.isPressed() :: boolean

This returns true if the user started pressing the UI input key on this frame.


ui3d2d.getCursorPos() :: number, number

This returns two numbers, the x and y values of the cursor position on the current UI.

  • This will return nil if the player isn't looking at the UI.


ui3d2d.isHovering(x :: number, y :: number, w :: number, h :: number) :: boolean

This will return true if the cursor is currently within the bounds of the box specified in the parameters.

ui3d2d.drawVgui (Extra only)

ui3d2d.drawVgui(panel :: Panel, pos :: Vector, angles :: Angle, scale :: number, ignoredEntity :: Entity)

This will draw a VGUI panel in 3D space and allow the user to interact with it. This may not work always work as intended.

  • The ignoredEntity paramater is optional, this is used for disabling eyetrace collisions with the entity you're attaching your UI to.
