
Virtualized development for Magento

Primary LanguageRuby

Project mission

Folks, every of you have been fighting with settings of your local dev stack. With every new Magento project, usualy you need to do many repetive tasks like installing web&mysql server and configure them. That's really annoying, isnt it? Have you realized that you repeat yourself in history? That's the reason why we decided to start project with code name "Virtualized development" or in short virtualdev. That provides you complete stack with all services running without any complex setting. You can distribute this setting across whole team so every team member runs application on same platform which can be set really close to production environment. You can run it on Windows, Linux and Mac OS. Isn't that great! It is. That's our goal!

How to run it

FIXME - add a desciption here!

Source codes

All source codes are hosted in guthub repository https://github.com/NoStressCommerceCZ/virtualdev. So do not hesitate to download or fork it. Any code line back is really appreciated.

User and developer support

In case you have any questions then give us the shout here https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/virtualdev


The latest documentation is hosted here http://docs.nostresscommerce.com/display/virtualdev/Home

Technologies and tools behind the scene

As virtualization we're rely on VirtualBox which is driven by Vagrant. All provision of services and basic configuration is driven by Puppet. And finally whole stack is running on latest version of Debian.

Any of your feedback is welcome!

Your Virtualdev's team.