
uptester is a tiny and easy http availability tester which runs custom commands on events

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


uptester is a small Python program which can do very similar things (functionally, without the fancy UI) as the popular services pingdom and DeadMan'sSnitch.

So there are two parts:

  • "ping" (HTTP request) external services periodically to check if they are up.
  • wait for incoming "pings" (HTTP request) from external sources in periodic intervals.

For both you can configure the interval (minute granularity) in which these things should happen.

  • For outgoing pings this means that every X minutes a request will be sent to that url and the result checked.
  • For incoming pings this means that at least every X minutes an incoming request is expected. If it does not happen for that time it is considered an error.

Incoming requests are identified by a user-definable token (see example config) and can happen via HTTP POST (form param or json) or HTTP GET as part of the URL. It does not matter if the incoming request happens more often than the configured interval, but if it happens rarely than that an error is triggered.

uptester is a very small utility which gets powerful by allowing you to hook custom commands into all exposed events. This means you can trigger any shell-command in any of the following events:

  • onFail A check fails (was good before, failed for the first time).
  • onNegative A check fails again (not triggered the first time where onFail triggers).
  • onRecover A check that has been failing before returned back to normal.

Examples of what you can do via these hooks and custom commands:

  • Trigger a Pushbullet notification via curl (or any other HTTP enabled service).
  • Send an email via the mail command.
  • Trigger LEDs on some hardware device like RaspberryPi via some script.
  • ...


If you want to run via docker you only need docker (skip to Docker sub-heading).

  • python (tested with 2.7 and 3.4)
  • virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper (not required but makes it easier to run)

Get it up and running with virtualenv:

sudo apt-get install virtualenvwrapper
# create and activate virtualenv
mkvirtualenv --no-site-packages uptester
workon uptester
pip install -r requirements.txt
# for python3 on ubuntu use pip3 instead of pip

# get your config (here we simply use the example (won't do that much))
cp example-checks.yml checks.yml

# to actually run it:
python uptester.py
# or python3 uptester.py

Additional notes:

# subsequent runs should be done like this:
workon uptester
python uptester.py

# if you want to start it from a shellscript (e.g. init script) you probably need this to activate the virtualenv
/home/yourUser/.virtualenvs/uptester/bin/python uptester.py

Running via docker:

Place your configuration (see next part) in /etc/uptester.yml and run via:

sudo docker build .
# get hash, e.g. 1f50ffd73437
# make sure you have a config file and a state.yml file (state.yml can be an empty file if you are starting out)
sudo docker run -v /etc/uptester.yml:/opt/uptester/checks.yml -v /var/uptester-state.yml:/opt/uptester/state.yml -p 7676:7676 1f50ffd73437 /opt/uptester.sh


See the example-checks.yml file for documentation about the config structure.

HTTP endpoints

# ping (check if running)

# check how often ping endpoint was called

# status of all configured checks

http://localhost:7676/alive data `token=myToken`
http://localhost:7676/alive data `{"token":"myToken"}`


The internal state of uptester is kept across restarts of the program via the state.yml file. If you want to reset the state simply delete this file. NOTE: The file is not written immediately after each change (to reduce disk IO) so you might loose the last few seconds of events in the worst case if you stop the uptester process.

Graphite reporting

uptester supports reporting the up-info to graphite. By default this is disabled, to enable this just put the following into your checks.yml

# the host and port fields are optional, defaults are and 2003
  - enabled: True
  - host: myGraphiteHost
  - port: 1234

Graphite can be used to easily calculate uptime-percentages from the checks ran by uptester. Uptester reports a value of 0 to graphite if the service is unavailable or 100 if it is available. Generating a rolling average in graphite gives you a nice uptime-percentage for any desired timeframe.


Graphite example graph