First Robotics Competition 2020 Code

Code written by me can be found in /src/main/java/frc/robot.

First Robotics Compition (FRC) is a program for high school students around the world, where students are tasked to build a robot for a new challange every year. The challange is released to the teams at the beginning of the season, then teams have a limited number of weeks to design, build, program and test their robots.

This code was written for my senior season which was in 2020. Our challange this year was INFINITE RECHARGE. The main tasks our robot had to do was pick up dodgeballs and shoot them into goals. In addition to this, extra points could be scored if robots where able to spin a wheel and pull themselves up on a moving bar. For added levels of difficulty, programmers could choose to include computer vision in their robots to help human drivers with precision tasks like aiming at goals.

My team consisted of three students. For reference, a normal team size is roughly 15-30. This required each of us to do what other teams would have 5-15 people doing. I assisted in the designing and construction the robot and was soley responsible for the robots electronics, pneumatics, and software. This was my first experience with wiring and designing electronics layouts and also my first experience with any sort of programming. With this being my first experience with programming, I did not know hardly anything beyone the very basics like if/else statements.

First Robotics Competition is one of the most fun, challenging, and impactful things I have ever done. It has tought me many invaluable skills and lessions, not only technical and physical, but also life lessions that will stay with me forever.