
This is an api designed to contest for the Treblle API hackathon

Primary LanguagePython

Event Management API

The Event Management API is a Django-based application that provides a RESTful API for managing events and user authentication. This API allows users to create, view, update, and delete events, as well as register and authenticate users.

This was designed for the #Treblle API Hackathon


  • User registration and authentication.
  • Event creation, retrieval, updating, and deletion.
  • Authentication and authorization for protected endpoints.
  • Integration with Django Rest Framework for API development.
  • Use of UUIDs instead of IDs for models.
  • Rate limiting, input validation, and logging using Treblle (refer to documentation for specific implementation).


  • Python 3.8 and above
  • Django 4.2.3
  • Django Rest Framework 3.14.0
  • Treblle (refer to documentation for installation instructions)


  1. Clone the repository:

git clone "https://github.com/Noah-droid/eventAPI.git"

  1. Install the required dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

  1. Run database migrations:

python manage.py migrate

  1. Start the development server:

python manage.py runserver

  1. Access the API at http://localhost:8000/.

  2. Account Details username: admin password: 123

API Endpoints

User Registration

  • POST /api/register/: Register a new user by providing username, email, and password in the request body.

User Authentication

  • POST /api/token/: Obtain an access token by providing username and password in the request body.

Event Management

  • GET /api/events/: Retrieve a list of all events.
  • POST /api/events/: Create a new event by providing event details in the request body.
  • GET /api/events/<id>/: Retrieve details of a specific event.
  • PUT /api/events/<id>/: Update details of a specific event.
  • DELETE /api/events/<id>/: Delete a specific event.
  • Event List, Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete endpoint: URL: api/events/ Methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE

Note: <id> should be replaced with the UUID of the event.

Event Attendees endpoint:

URL: api/events/<event_id>/attendees/ Methods: GET

Event Search endpoint:

URL: api/events/search/ Methods: GET

RSVP for an event:

URL: api/events/<uuid:event_id>/rsvp/ Methods: POST

create comments for an event:

URL: api/events/<uuid:event_id>/comments/ Methods: POST

Authentication and Authorization

  • The API endpoints for event management require authentication. Include the access token received from the /api/token/ endpoint in the Authorization header of each request.
  • Unauthenticated requests to protected endpoints will receive a 401 Unauthorized response.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.