
Simple to use library to read and write PPM (portable pixmap) images

Primary LanguageC

PixMap library in C

What is libpixmap?

Libpixmap is a library written in pure C that aims to provide an easy and convient API for reading and writing PPM files.


  • Open PPM images
  • Create blank PPM images
  • Set and retrieve color values for specific pixels
  • Set and get all pixels


#include <stdio.h>
#include "pixmap.h"

int main(void)
    PixMapImage *image;
    pixmap_image_open(&image, "path/to/image.ppm");

        printf("Error: failed to open image!\n");
        return 1;

    printf("Image width: %d\n", image->width);
    printf("Image height: %d\n", image->height);

    // Retrieve individual pixels

    PixMapRGB pixel;

    // Returns -1 if the coordinates supplied are out of bounds
    pixmap_image_get_pixel(image, 100, 100, &pixel);

    printf("Red: %d\n", pixel.red);
    printf("Green: %d\n", pixel.green);
    printf("Blue: %d\n", pixel.blue);

    // Set individual pixels

    PixMapRGB new_pixel;
    new_pixel.red = 50;
    new_pixel.green = 150;
    new_pixel.blue = 200;

    pixmap_image_set_pixel(image, 100, 100, &new_pixel);

    // Clean up


Quick Start

Libpixmap can be used two ways: with and without clibs.

With Clibs

Clibs is a package manager for small C libraries. To install with Clibs, use the following command:

clib install Noah11012/libpixmap

Without Clibs

This library is by design very simple. Only a header and a source file. Include the header and add the source file to the list of files to build.


// main.c
#include "pixmap.h"

int main()
    // Code

Compile with clang:

clang -o program main.c pixmap.c

Of course, if you use a build system like Make or a generator like that of CMake, then simply add pixmap.c to all the other files to be built.