
Make QR code dynmic using Github Issues Comments

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Make QR code dynamically using Github Issues Comments

Quick Start

  1. Fork this repo and set the forked repo with Github pages
  2. Create a config.json under the forked repo (take the config_sample.json as an example)
  3. Create a issue, could be under any repo
  4. Put the issue comments API (e.g. https://api.github.com/repos/NoahDragon/Dynamic-QR/issues/1/comments) into the config.json url fields
  5. Create QR based on the URL https://[URL to the github repo page]?dest=[name config in config.json]
  6. Comment in the created issue in step 3 will update the redirect URL

Config File Format

Please take config_sample.json as example. Customized fields are in [].

	["dest_name"]: {
		"url": ["Github issue comments link"],
		"author": ["empty if anyone can update the redirect url, set to a user then only the user's comments can affect the redirect"]


  • Github Pages have 10 mins cache for all htmls, so need to clean caches if commented in issue within 10 mins.
  • If the comment contains multiple URL, only the first one will be taken.