
Hexo migration of React theme. http://react.pimmey.com/

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hexo Theme React

React theme migrated from https://github.com/pimmey/react-docs, the purchase link: https://themeforest.net/item/react-material-design-multipurpose-template/14918846

The theme is designed for Hexo, please make sure have the Hexo installed (https://hexo.io).



npm i -S hexo-renderer-pug
npm i -S hexo-renderer-sass

Go to the hexo site folder, and clone this repo:

git clone https://github.com/NoahDragon/hexo-theme-react.git themes/react

Then modify the site _config.yml to change the theme:

theme: react

Clean the database and regenerate the site:

hexo clean && hexo g



Currently only support the latest 5 projects and posts. To support blog/project list, may need to implement new layout files.


Hexo Source

The hexo site source code could be found in branch demo-source https://github.com/NoahDragon/hexo-theme-react/tree/demo-source . You could clone it to local folder and replace the themes/react which current repo.

git clone -b demo-source https://github.com/NoahDragon/hexo-theme-react.git


Sample scaffolds are in sample/_scaffolds folder. To use them, simply copy the scaffolds in to the hexo scaffolds folder.


For the services, philosophy, about, and FAQs data, the sample files is in sample/_data. To use it, simply copy the sample/_data folder into the hexo source/_data folder.

The icons are from http://www.linea.io/, so please make sure the icon name is an existing linea icon.

The detail feild in stars.yml is allow HTML tags.

The general photo in about section could be set in the theme config general-photo.

Disable Sections

If some section should be disabled or removed from the theme, simply set the display-name blank, e.g.:

    display-name: FAQs


The original React theme provides several themes, we inherit them. The theme could be configured in the theme _config.yml. The followings are availiable themes (preview):

  • combustion-purple
  • combustion-yellow
  • fuzzy-hue
  • fuzzy-saturation
  • ring-blue
  • ring-green
  • tunnel
  • waves-deep-purple
  • waves-light-blue


To overwrite the default favicons, please create a favicons folder under the Hexo site source folder (not under current theme folder), and copy the generated favicon package from the https://realfavicongenerator.net/ into it.


To publish posts into the blog section on the home page, the layout in front matters should set to post.

layout: post

Blog Author

If author is not set in the front matters, then author in config file will be used.


To publish a proejct into the projects section on the home page, the layout in front matters should set to project.

layout: project

Featured Image

Set the image path in the front matters as:

featured: /img/featured_image.jpg

Then put the featured_image.jpg under the source/img folder.

Background Image

Set the background image for modal popup. Set the image path in the front matters as:

background: /img/background_image.jpg

Then put the background_image.jpg under the source/img folder.