Rhyme Time

Visit our website at (server host down)

A fun rhyming website where you input a rhyming poem (or any text) and get a new similar poem!

Getting Started

To run Rhyme Time project development branch locally, follow the instructions below.


  1. Install Node.js - https://nodejs.org/en/download/
  2. Ensure npm was installed correctly by running 'npm' in terminal/command prompt

Note: If npm cannot be found, locate where the npm binary/script was installed. Prepend the path located to the following npm commands.


  1. Clone or download the Rhyme Time repository - https://github.com/NoahFrank/text-code-and-poems
  2. Run 'npm install' from the command line
  3. Run 'npm run build' to transpile our ES6 code with Babel
  4. Run 'npm run serve' to start the project
  5. Open your browser of choice and go to 'localhost:3001' to view the website