IMPORTANT: Niantic introduced certificate pinning in the most recent version of the app. Either downgrade to 0.29.3 or root your phone and use pokemon-go-xposed to make it work again like smooth whipped cream!
Pokemon Go MITM Proxy - Intercepts the traffic between your Pokemon Go App and their servers, decodes the protocol and gives you a handy tool to enrich your own game experience by altering the data on the fly.
Take a look at the examples to get started. Feel happily invited to contribute more!
<img src="" height="341"">
Get nodejs
Get protobuf >= 3
Clone the code to experiment with the examples! (otherwise use it as a npm package)
git clone && cd pokemon-go-mitm-node
npm install
Setup the CoffeeScript interpreter
npm install -g coffee-script
Prepare your phone to accept the MITM certificate
If you are using Pokemon > version 0.30
- on a rooted phone: install the Xposed module pokemon-go-xposed
- otherwise: install a pre-patched version
Run and quit
to generate a CA certificate -
Copy the generated
to your mobile -
Add it to the "trusted certificates"
Setup your connection to use your machine as a proxy (default port is 8081)
Enjoy :)
PokemonGoMITM = require './lib/pokemon-go-mitm'
server = new PokemonGoMITM port: 8081
# Replace all PokeStops with kittys!
server.addResponseHandler "FortDetails", (data) -> = "Pokemon GO MitM PoC"
data.description = "meow!"
data.image_urls = [""]
Thanks to the awesom work done around POGOProtos, all requests and responses can be intercepted and altered on the fly by now!
- AddFortModifier
- AttackGym
- CatchPokemon
- CheckAwardedBadges
- CheckCodenameAvailable
- ClaimCodename
- CollectDailyBonus
- CollectDailyDefenderBonus
- DiskEncounter
- DownloadItemTemplates
- DownloadRemoteConfigVersion
- DownloadSettings
- Echo
- Encounter
- EncounterTutorialComplete
- EquipBadge
- EvolvePokemon
- FortDeployPokemon
- FortDetails
- FortRecallPokemon
- FortSearch
- GetAssetDigest
- GetDownloadUrls
- GetGymDetails
- GetHatchedEggs
- GetIncensePokemon
- GetInventory
- GetMapObjects
- GetPlayer
- GetPlayerProfile
- GetSuggestedCodenames
- IncenseEncounter
- LevelUpRewards
- NicknamePokemon
- PlayerUpdate
- RecycleInventoryItem
- ReleasePokemon
- SetAvatar
- SetContactSettings
- SetFavoritePokemon
- SetPlayerTeam
- StartGymBattle
- UpgradePokemon
- UseIncense
- UseItemCapture
- UseItemEggIncubator
- UseItemGym
- UseItemPotion
- UseItemRevive
- UseItemXpBoost
Enjoy! And heaps of thanks to everyone who contributed here and on slack!